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La prévention des chutes est un meilleur moyen de protéger les travailleurs que l'arrêt des chutes.
Pour ces applications, PeakWorks dispose d'une large sélection de longes de retenue de chute. Les longes de retenue doivent...
Preventing a fall is a better way of protecting workers than arresting a fall. For these applications, PeakWorks has a wide selection of fall restraint lanyards. Fall restraint lanyards should never...
Mesh Hard Hat Sunshade | PioneerPolyester meshElastic binding to attach to the edge of hard hatLightweight and breathableReflective tape for enhanced visibilityProvides sun protection for neck and...
SP (Shock Pack) lanyards are comprised of "tear webbing" which is woven in a manner that allows the webbing to tear when it has a load applied to it. This tearing absorbs a significant amount of...