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Gas filter 940 A2B2E2K1 | Dräger
- Broad filter range: The X-plore Rd40 filter series offers various filter types for major applications and protects against many hazardous substances from phosphine to tear gas to particulates.
- Long life: The gas filters and combination filters have a shelf-life of 6 years and the particle filters a shelf life of 12 years from date of manufacture.
- Resealable individual packaging: The filters are packed individually to ensure optimum protection of the unused filter. For storage, the packaging is resealable.
- Aluminium housing: The aluminium housing ensures that any damage to the filter is easily detected, therefore providing extra security.
- CE marking: All filters are CE-marked in accordance with EN 14387 and/or EN 143.
- Rd40 thread connection: The filters are suitable for use with half and full face masks with standard thread connection Rd40 according to EN 148-1.
- Material: ABS plastic housing
- Shelf life: Gas and combination filters 6 years, particle filters 12 years, pads 3 years
- Approvals: EN 14387, EN 143:2000/A1:2006
PI9045594 Xplore Rd40 en 2017x-plore filters poster