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Gas Detection Tube | Dräger

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Gas Detection Tube | Dräger

Dräger-Tubes® for short-term measurements
The Draeger short-term detector tubes have proven to be a very cost-effective and reliable way to measure toxic gases and vapors in the workplace.

Fast and reliable measuring
More than 200 different Dräger-Tubes® are available to accurately make spot measurements for over 500 gases and vapors.

Fields of applications
A great number of different gases and vapors can be measured by the short-term Dräger-Tubes®. These tubes are used e.g. for the determination of concentration peaks, the measurement of exposures in the inhalation area, the determination of possible leakages as well as for the analysis of air in sewers, shafts, tanks or other confined spaces.

Easy to use
The short-term Dräger-Tubes® are employed either manually together with the Dräger accuro gas detection pump or automatically together with the pump accuro 2000 or the compact microprocessor-controlled Quantimeter 1000.

  • Spot gas measurement for more than 500 different gases
  • Short measurement time: between 5 seconds to 15 minutes
  • Dräger gas detection tubes have proven to be a very cost-effective and reliable method for the measurement of gases
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